10 Praed Street / Abc road Xyz

Reanimation Pulmonar


Many participants find their CMS training to be the single most valuable and meaningful learning experience of their careers. Most find our confidential environment to be more comfortable and accessible than simulation at their home institutions. Up to 97% of participants expect their experience at the CMS will help them perform better the next time they respond to a critical event.

Comprehensive Approach

All CMS courses address both the clinical and behavioral aspects of performance, focusing on crisis management and error prevention. Course topics include leadership, teamwork, effective communication, resource management and performance enhancement. Active learning in CMS’ real-world settings enhances participants’ retention and ability to apply target skills and behaviors.

Hands On

A typical day at CMS is filled with experiences in simulated clinical situations, punctuated with debriefings supported by videotaped scenarios. These debriefings with our skilled instructors are the core of the learning experience. They encourage an open and motivational discussion of performance and error, instilling the principles of teamwork in participants’ approaches to healthcare. CMS’ learning model is based on the widely-accepted Crisis Resource Management (CRM) principles.


Time Lecture Duration
Alfreds Futterkiste Maria Anders Germany
Centro comercial Moctezuma Francisco Chang Mexico
Ernst Handel Roland Mendel Austria
Island Trading Helen Bennett UK
Laughing Bacchus Winecellars Yoshi Tannamuri Canada
Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Giovanni Rovelli Italy


Reanimation Pulmonar

A typical day at CMS is filled with experiences in simulated clinical situations, punctuated with debriefings supported by videotaped scenarios.

Price: 350 


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